EAIP Congress
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The objectives of the IAPTP are:

  1. To maintain professional standards for the practice of Play Therapy & Psychotherapy and the accreditation of play therapy practitioners in Ireland
  2. To implement a criteria based policy and procedure for accrediting members of IAPTP
  3. To develop a register of trained and accredited Play Therapy & Psychotherapy practitioners and play therapy supervisors
  4. To set Irish National criteria for supervision of Play Therapy & Psychotherapy practitioners and to set standards for the accreditation of supervisory practitioners for the support of the profession and professionals in Ireland.
  5. To set and implement National standards for the training and accreditation of Play Therapy & Psychotherapy supervisors in Ireland
  6. To set standards for training courses (content, duration, etc) for Play Therapy & Psychotherapy supervisors in Ireland.
  7. To maintain standards for training courses (content, duration, etc) for Play Therapy & Psychotherapy practitioners in Ireland
  8. To maintain a register of recognised training courses for Play Therapy & Psychotherapy practitioners and supervisors in Ireland
  9. To set National standards for the training and registration of developmental and therapeutic play specialists in Ireland
  10. To support the development of Play Therapy & Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Play Services in Ireland within the context of best practice and current cultural developments
  11. To work in harmony and in a spirit of partnership and cooperation with other professional bodies that have established themselves as credible professional organisations in the field, e.g. BAPT (British Association for Play Therapists), and with other relevant departments and agencies (e.g. H.S.E., Dept of Education), and other relevant professional bodies (e.g. IACP, IAHIP)


  • To protect clients, their families, and the profession itself, by setting stringent training and accreditation standards, ethical frameworks, and supportive policy and procedures, including a Code of Ethics and Practice, and a Complaints Procedure, for the practice of Play Therapy & Psychotherapy in Ireland
  • To implement and maintain the Code of Ethics and Practice, and the Complaints Procedure of IAPTP
  • To differentiate clearly between Play Therapy and Therapeutic Play Work as professions.
  • To promote an inclusive attitude recognising the validity of various theoretical frameworks and approaches to play therapy

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This facility allows you to access details of IAPTP Registered Play Therapists, Psychotherapists and Approved Supervisors available for private and/or contractual work in your local area.

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