EAIP Congress
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Renewing Membership

All categories of membership are due for renewal on the 1st January each year. On January 1st you will recieve an invoice for your membership fees, including a link where you can pay online. Failure to pay the invoice promptly will result in a late fee of 20%. You can save your prefered payment method to be automatically charged, to avoid late payments and fees, and save on effort. Payment details, as well as other contact details, past invoices etc. can be accessed and edited at any time in your IAPTP membership portal. If you no longer wish to be a member, please email us on [email protected]

Should fees fail to reach the membership secretary by 31st March names of accredited & pre-accredited members will be withdrawn from the website.  For accredited members who lose their accredited status in this way it may be necessary to re-apply for accreditation.

Accredited and pre-accredited members are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they remain eligible for the membership category. Accredited members must be reaccredited every 5 years, and pre-accredited membership is only valid for a 5 year period following completion of training. Student membership is only suitable for students currently enrolled on an IAPTP recognised Play Therapy course.